Sacred Union Here Now Foundation

Sacred Union Here Now Institute of Kabbalistic Living

Sacred Union Here Now Foundation & Institute’s mission and life’s purpose is to provide a physical space as well as nourishing interactions with staff, founders and programs that elevate us all in higher states of consciousness, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual heightened states divine health & wellness. As Founders these vehicle are the physical manifestations needed for us to live our life’s purpose and souls mission and from this place we can inspire, teach and facilitate others to do the same.  All of these happenings will be in the container of the Jewish Framework with it’s deepest roots in the realm of Mystic & Practical Judaism, known as Kabbalah.

Just as the sun illuminates every crevice from darkness so too we aim / intend to purify soul so their light can shine forth once again into the worlds.





SUHN is a venue for physical, mental, emotion and spiritual rejuvenation, inspiration, recreation and return to ones true nature of wholeness and light.

We believe in a holistic, whole body approach to life and well being that centers around the divine. We know humans are capable of living in full vitality, love, awe and abundance with a divine connection within our physical bodies.

We understand that through the trails of life many of us have forgotten the greatness of who we are. It is through the reconnection to the soul (teshuva) returning to a G-d focused life, and then one redirects his heart to the straight path of service to the divine. When one realigns with their life’s mission and souls purpose past traumas, tribulations, dis-eases and dysfunction have the opportunity to be healed (Tikkun). We believe that if we broke it, we can fix it with the help in the divine source.

All dis-eases occur because the souls disconnect with ones mental, physical and emotional bodies. This combined with toxemia and deficiency are the reason for dis-ease.

In todays society we are facing macro and micro states of disconnection showing up as war, violence, abuse, anger, self doubt, rape, alcoholism, drug abuse, victimization, and the list goes on. Thousands of books and hundreds of experts have grappled with these issues of self-help and mastery. We believe that it is only when one experiences the taste of the divine in their cells and soul is when monumental life changing experiences manifest. When one reads a book or attends a lecture their intellect is tantalized but it is only when they sit with themselves in a supportive, loving environment can lasting transformation occur.

The Sacred Union Here Now Foundation /  Institute for Kabbalistic Living aims to provide people from different backgrounds, experiences, and world views a haven to heal, rejuvenate and revitalize every part of their being.

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